This section contains all forms for records and information during employment at CSUDH.
General Questions regarding employee services should be sent to or by calling (310) 243-3771. Note: Forms containing social security numbers should not be submitted through e-mail. All forms must be signed and submitted to Human Resources via the HR Secure Dropbox or deliver to WH 340.

Employee Identification Number and/or Username
Both your username and Employee ID, a nine (9) digit number, is automatically assigned and is used to identify you in the PeopleSoft HR/Payroll system. To retrieve your Employee ID and/or campus username, please utilize the MyCSUDH LookUp Search.
Request for Photo Identification Card
The Office of Human Resources Management verifies that the employee/volunteer who is requesting an Identification Card has been officially appointed by CSU, Dominguez Hills and is eligible for photo identification.
Please complete the form below if:
- You are a new employee requesting an ID card
- Your ID card was lost/stolen, and you need a replacement ID card or
- You hold a temporary appointment which has been renewed and you need an updated ID card
Request for Photo Identification Form
Photo Requirements:
- Submit a color photo that is DMV/Passport style format. Face the camera directly with full face in view.
- Use a clear image of your face. Do not use filters commonly used on social media.
- Use a plain white or off-white background.
Request for Parking Permit by Payroll Deduction
The Office of Human Resources Management verifies the employment status of those who are requesting a parking permit by Payroll Deduction.
Please complete the form below to initiate the process and receive a “Request to Issue a Parking Permit” form from Human Resources. Or visit Human Resources in WH 340, Monday - Friday 8am-5pm. This form must be presented at the Cashier’s Office window to purchase a parking permit or to renew/establish a payroll deduction.
Be sure to follow the complete instructions provided on the university Parking website.
Request to Issue a Parking Permit Form

All online requests are reviewed and processed in the order it was received. Depending on when this request is received it could take up to three (3) business days for processing. At the start of the semester, it could take longer.